Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Daddy... (Matthew 3:9)

“Our Father…” (Matt. 3:9) Since Fathers day is coming up I thought this was appropriate.

How often do we sit and let God be our Father, our Papa, our Daddy, our Abba? God so desires the relationship of a father to His child. By coming to Him with the innocence, devotion, loyalty and love of a child, we learn to see God in such a different light. He is not just our provider, or protector. He is not just someone we come to when we need help. He is someone we look up to, we model our attitude after. The closeness and perspective change that this attitude brings is irreplaceable.

Most children idolize their fathers at some point. When asked what they want to be when they grow up, the response is often associated with how the see their fathers. I know that we all do not have the same feelings for our earthly fathers. Some of us had great fathers, while others had abusive ones. I understand this as I truly did not have the best relationship with my father growing up. For some of us it is difficult to picture our Heavenly Father. For this reason there are two things I like to think about. The first comes from a song I heard the group River sing. It speaks of learning from our fathers example, “of what I would and would not like to be.” The second is this. Picture everything you could think of that you would like in a perfect father. Close your eyes and let the feelings flood you to your core. Now take this and multiply it by infinity. This is what your Heavenly Father is like.

So this Fathers Day, take a moment to remember your Heavenly daddy. Close your eyes, step in to His presence, take a leap of faith and give Him a great big hug. It will not only bring joy to Him, but peace to you as well.

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